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Bhojan Daan is solely reliant on donations to run their operation. You can support the charity by making a donation today. We have 3 donation types available:

- Donate a Thali for Today. This will provide one individual one thali meal for today. Rs. 300 / £3 donation

- Donate a Thali for a Special Occasion This will provide one individual one thali meal on a date of your choosing. Rs. 300 / £3 donation

- Make a Corpus Donation This will provide one individual a daily thali meal for a whole year. Rs. 1 lakh / £1,001 recommended donation

Donate using the buttons below. We use secure PayPal for all online donations.

Reference: Please state your type of donation (Corpus/Thali Today/Thali Special Occasion) as the reference. One of our team members will get in touch with you to confirm the date of the thali donation.

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